Category: Filmscreening

This was the 3rd Festival screening this year: The CVIFF invited Ibyiza Birimbere to screen in October 2015 and we are proud and happy that the film was shown at another up and coming film festival in Africa. We would have loved to go there ourselves to represent the film and talk about it, but sadly flights to the beautiful Cape Verde islands are rather expensive, so we dropped this one. People there enjoyed the film and we received a positive feedback, so after all we are happy :)

Ibyiza Birimbere - The Best is Still to Come Filmposter with Festival Laurels

IBYIZA BIRIMBERE was screening on July 24th in Kigali during the Rwanda Film Festival. Sadly neither Soenke nor I have been able to attend the screening but Shenge and Gerard have been present as well as some friends of ours in Kigali. It was a full house and people liked the film, I really wish I could have been there! Thanks to the festival and everyone who came to see the film!

We have had the honour to be invited by the Africa Festival in Kaunas to screen IBYIZA BIRIMBERE at the Center of Various Nations in the beautiful city of Kaunas on Tuesday the 26th of May 2015. Gerrit went to Lithuania to attend the screening and Q&A after the screening. The Center is a small place and the screening was completely sold out with about 40 people in the audience – so it was a great success for the young festival. The film was received very good and we are glad that we have been able to be there. A week later the Waldorf School in Kaunas held a screening for the 7th grade students and had them write film reviews in their English classes later, you can read a few of them here – it is the original and hence containing some typos 😉 Reviews from 7th grade Waldorf School Kaunas

Gerrit Hahn with guests and hosts of the festival

Gerrit Hahn and some of the hosts and guests of the Kaunas Africa Festival 2015

We are happy to announce that on December 2nd the “DIE” (Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik) in Bonn is presenting our film to their guests.

Soenke will be present as well as the Rwandan ambassador to Germany, Mrs. Christine NKULIKIYINKA, and Mr. Günther Nooke, the Ger­man Chan­cel­lor’s Per­sonal Rep­re­sen­ta­tive for Africa in the Fed­eral Min­istry for Eco­nomic Co­op­er­a­tion and De­vel­op­ment.
If you want to come to the screening please send us a mail to as this is not a public screening.